Your Full Self is More Than You May Realize

I can help you tap into your unique purpose with the fruits of my life-long explorations in consciousness. I would love to guide you in the power of using your natural inner senses, intuitively sharing the practical wisdom I’ve synthesized in my work with Human Design, ancestral healing, belief-rewiring, ritual, and dreamwork.

I offer

  • The translation of your own personal Human Design chart in a foundational session.

  • Guided ancestral healing trance sessions.

  • Teaching, consultation, and any manner of general nerdiness in consciousness studies, dreaming, ancestral healing, ritual, and effective techniques in the conscious creation of living.

  • Human Design is a consciousness map that offers a nuanced, intricate layout of your specific energy system. It offers a roadmap for decision-making based on the natural creaturely wisdom of your body, instead of letting the conditioned “shoulds” of your mind continue to control the show. Human Design tools promote more true alignment with your brilliant unique sovereign Self, helping you along the path of bringing your specific gifts into the world.

    The origin story of Human Design is objectively extraordinary, with its creation emerging through what we now call channeling to a Canadian man called Ra Uru Hu, in 1987.

    The Human Design System is a synthesis and renewal of several ancient and modern wisdom traditions, mapping genetic biology and energetic threads of human experience onto natal and gestational astrology — through the filter of the ancient Chinese I Ching, the ancient Indian-Hindu Chakras system and magical channels akin to the connecting lines in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.*

    I know, it’s a lot. But if any of this causes apprehension, let me try to ease your mind. The key with Human Design is that it is meant to be put to use experimentally as a tool. You can decide for yourself if it works for you; there is no buy-in, belief, or faith involved. While it’s not a system that we really know how to study empirically, its accuracy and helpfulness is widely reported. Including by myself and literally everyone I have encountered that has “experimented with their design.”

    Human Design charts (or BodyGraphs, as they are called) are notoriously confusing to try to interpret. Information about Human Design is out there in bits and pieces (sometimes conflicting, incorrect, and often too simplified). It is also filled with opaque jargon, making it extremely helpful to have a reading with a professional who can interpret and explain the comprehensive whole of your “design.” I can translate this esoteric visual language, and be such a guide for you.

    The nuances are endless and combine to form a beautiful gestalt of what can be helpful to you in living of your own best life. As a lifelong scholar of consciousness, I can honestly say that Human Design is the most intriguing and helpful system I have encountered for practical use as a tool for authentic living, and I expect to continue my already years-long study of its astounding depths.


    *I have heard well-intentioned critiques of the Human Design, stamped with the warning label of cultural appropriation. These concerns, while completely warranted to question, are in my view short-sighted here, not holding out the possibility of Human Design as a revelatory or oracular synthesis of recognized bodies of wisdom for global use — combined and evolved for the new strange times we are in. (And frankly, not much different in delivery or function from nearly every “holy book” that a diversity of cultures hold sacred, e.g., the Christian Bible.)

  • Here’s the short list of where Human Design can be immediately supportive:

    • Understanding how your particular energy works mechanically

    • Learning the best way to for you to make major decisions from your true self and innate bodily wisdom

    • Understanding more clearly what gifts you bring to the workplace and how you work best

    • Highlighting areas in which you are on a learning journey

    • Pointing out where you may have picked up unhelpful thought patterns and conditioning, and tools for “deconditioning”

    • Exploring your purpose — what you are specifically here to contribute to the world

    • Showing general themes of your life in very intimate terms

    Human Design has a unique way of shining a precision laser on the way you think, process information, and interact with those around you that gets right down to the bone of your inner workings. It’s absolutely extraordinary. It is understanding this differentiation, of how YOU work, that can be immediately validating, touching, and useful to you in how you move through your life.

    In Human Design sessions, I make sure to share the most helpful information in your chart to support you where you are in your life. You can expect it to be a real game-changer.

  • There are many ways of working with ancestors. I am a certified practitioner in Dr. Daniel Foor's method of Ancestral Lineage Healing. This is a pragmatic method based on the assumption that, since many of our cultural ways of maintaining healthy relationships with our ancestors may have been long untended, some healing may be needed before we can tap into our birthright of ancestral support.

    Here are the steps of the process we work through in this framework, in a nutshell:

    • Assessing the wellness of your four primary ancestral lineages, creating boundaries around unwell ones, & choosing a lineage to focus on (usually the whole first session)

    • Connecting with loving well ancestral guide(s) with the chosen lineage - often an ancient one

    • Understanding & healing with old ones

    • Understanding what has happened in this lineage around unwellness, gifts & challenges

    • Healing with those whose names are not known

    • Healing with the recent or remembered dead

    • Grounding blessings & health in present

    What a session looks like:

    Using a centered, intuitive approach, I guide clients through this process in what can be considered a guided meditation or using active imagination. The facilitator is the guide and the client/participant is the one doing the actual work.

    • Each session is a ritual, meaning that I consciously set up and hold the session in a sacred space that begins with a prayer, or, if you don't like that word, intention.

    • We have a brief conversation about this work and your personal situation, questions, and concerns.

    • I guide you through entering a light trance state using meditation and guided imagery.

    • I lead you through the appropriate phase of the Ancestral Lineage Healing Process.

    • I give you homework, based on the contents of the session, in support of your ancestral healing. This is often small ritual tending, research, and continuing relationship with guides.

    • Greater sense of belonging and deep support for your life

    • More understanding of intergeneration problems, understanding family relationships in a larger context

    • Usually there is a softening and felt sense of healing family wounds

    • Clarity in your personal life path and coming into your gifts and purposes

    • Connection to a vast reservoir of healing and guidance

    • Gaining authentic personal spiritual practice

    • Often, greater health, abundance, and better family relationships

    • Access to clarity and healing resources for pandemic cultural wounds that your guides know a lot about, like racism, colonization, etc.

  • For Human Design, I offer a singular foundational session. This is more like a reading — something you will be able to revisit, ruminate on and work with over time. For Human Design practitioners who specialize in relationship readings, transits, and other specialized areas, I trust and recommend the work of Iconic Human Design.

    For ancestral healing sessions, there is no concrete answer I can give, since everyone's process is different. It’s more like going to therapy in the sense that it’s an engaged process over a period of time. In fact, the length of process can vary wildly depending on the actual lineage you are working with. Sometimes completing healing with an entire lineage takes two sessions, other times, many more.

    As you get to know the method, there is a lot of work you can do on your own, or online in offerings at Ancestral Medicine, and I will always recommend next steps that you an take your time with after a session.